- Each kit’s dynamic measurement range optimized for Cmax-Cmin (trough) values of the drugs. Also, researchers can also measure biological levels of the drugs in human, mouse, rat and monkey serum or plasma samples for pharmacokinetic studies.
- More than 150 publications has been made by using SHIKARI® ELISA kits.
- All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are validated in compliance with international standards and easy to publish results.
- Quantitative ELISA kits for anti-drug antibodies (immunogenicity) with confirmation reagent available for 18 different biological drugs. Matriks Biotek® is the first biotechnology company which produced ELISA kits for Remsima® (Infliximab Biosimilar CT-P13). Kits for Remsima® includes quantitative free drug detection kits, qualitative Anti-Remsima® detection kits and total antibody detection kits for Remsima®.
- Total antibody (DUO) kits have been developed to identify anti-drug antibodies that are bound by drugs in the serum and cannot be determined by free antibody detection kits. Matriks Biotek® developed total antibody detection kits for 3 different drugs: Infliximab (Remicade®, Remsima®) and Adalimumab (Humira®). These DUO kits also measure free anti-drug antibodies simultaneously allowing comparisons between total and free anti-drug antibodies giving semi-quantitative results. Kits are unique in the market. Total antibody detection kit development studies for different drugs are ongoing, please inquire.
- Quantitative ADA detection kits include confirmation reagent to eliminate false positives when reporting the results. Unique in the market.
- Inter and intra assay CV to fulfill requirements for FDA & EMEA.
- High recovery rates (%85-115)
- Low sample volumes (10-25 µl) even if you have very small samples such as mouse serum
- All liquid and highly stabilized ready to use reagents
- Delivery is at room temperature. Cost saver!
- The highest quality material used.
Microplates NUNC®, Perfect binding of proteins minimum %CV across the entire plate and perfect match with our proprietary blocking buffer almost no background with very long shelf life
Plastic bottles Nalgene® very durable with perfect surface property
Glass vials Schott® used for standard containers; vigorously tested. No protein binding clear glass w/ cap when compared to other brands
- All kits are in 96 well format and you can run as much as 90 samples from each kit.
- Time saver: Short incubation times for biologics testing (70-140 min)
- 1 year expiry date
- Short delivery times
- Project development for custom ELISA kits to measure PK and immunogenicity for your specific biosimilar or original molecule.
- Kits are suitable for biosimilar work. Kits utilize recombinant human proteins ligand binding assay
- No radioactivity
- All Shikari® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark.
Hunter, one that pursues something with great desire, searching and finding it out.
Shikari® (Q-ABA) Abatacept ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Abatacept (Orencia®)in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Abatacept in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATAB) Anti-Abatacept ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of specific antibodies to Abatacept (Orencia®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of specific antibodies to Abatacept in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATAB) Anti-Abatacept ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Abatacept (Orencia®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Abatacept in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-ADA) Adalimumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Adalimumab (Humira®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Adalimumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATA) Anti-Adalimumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Adalimumab (Humira®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Adalimumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATA) Anti-Adalimumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of antibodies to Adalimumab (Humira®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of antibodies to adalimumab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (S-ATA TOTAL) Anti-Adalimumab ELISA (Free/Total Ab)
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the semi-quantitative determination (screening) of total and free antibodies to Adalimumab (Humira®) in serum and plasma. SHIKARI® Semi-Quantitative Free/Total Antibodies to Adalimumab ELISA is a sandwich assay for the determination of total and free antibodies against adalimumab in serum and plasma samples. During the first incubation period, the separation of adalimumab specific antibody-adalimumab immune complex is provided by adding dissociation buffer. After transferring dissociation mix to the plate, adalimumab antibodies are separated from adalimumab in patient serum/plasma samples and they are captured by the drug adalimumab coated on the wall of the microtiter wells and horse radish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated probe. After washing away the unbound components from samples, the bound enzymatic activity is detected by addition of tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) chromogen substrate. Finally, the reaction is terminated with an acidic stop solution. The intensity of the reaction colour is directly proportional to the concentration of adalimumab antibodies in sample. This kit can be also used as a semi-quantitative test for free anti-drug antibodies determination without dissociation and neutralization steps.
Shikari® (QS-ADA) Adalimumab ELISA (mAb-based)
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the specific and quantitative determination of free Adalimumab (Humira®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the specific and quantitative determination of free adalimumab (Humira®) in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Adalimumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Adalimumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to adalimumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to adalimumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Liu, Zheng, et al. "Timing of live attenuated vaccination in infants exposed to infliximab or adalimumab in utero: a prospective cohort study in 107 children." Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 16.12 (2022): 1835-1844. | Download | |
Kita, Toshihiro, et al. "Adrenomedullin for biologic‐resistant Crohn's disease: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled phase 2a clinical trial." Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 37.11 (2022): 2051-2059. | Download | |
Iwasaki, Takeshi, et al. "Dynamics of type I and type II interferon signature determines responsiveness to anti-TNF therapy in rheumatoid arthritis." Frontiers in immunology 13 (2022): 901437. | Download |
Shikari® (Q-AF) Aflibercept ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Aflibercept (Eylea®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Aflibercept in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATAF) Anti-Aflibercept ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of specific antibodies to Aflibercept (Eylea®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Aflibercept in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATAF) Anti-Aflibercept ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Aflibercept (Eylea®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of Aflibercept in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (Q-AF HIGH SENSITIVE) Aflibercept ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Aflibercept (Eylea®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Aflibercept in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-ATE) Atezolizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Atezolizumab (Tecentriq®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Atezolizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATAT) Anti-Atezolizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Atezolizumab (Tecentriq®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Atezolizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-AVE) Avelumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of free Avelumab (Bavencio®) in serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Avelumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATAV) Anti-Avelumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of antibodies to Avelumab (Bavencio®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of antibodies to Avelumab in serum and plasma.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-BEVA) Bevacizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Bevacizumab (Avastin®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Bevacizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATB) Anti-Bevacizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Bevacizumab (Avastin®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to Bevacizumab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (S-ATB) Anti-Bevacizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Bevacizumab (Avastin®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Bevacizumab in serum and plasma samples.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Bevacizumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Bevacizumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to bevacizumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to bevacizumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Formica, María Lina, et al. "Novel hybrid lipid nanocapsules loaded with a therapeutic monoclonal antibody–Bevacizumab–and Triamcinolone acetonide for combined therapy in neovascular ocular pathologies." Materials Science and Engineering: C 119 (2020): 111398. | Download | |
Luis de Redín, Inés, et al. "In vivo efficacy of bevacizumab-loaded albumin nanoparticles in the treatment of colorectal cancer." Drug Delivery and Translational Research 10 (2020): 635-645. | Download | |
Llabot, Juan M., et al. "In vitro characterization of new stabilizing albumin nanoparticles as a potential topical drug delivery system in the treatment of corneal neovascularization (CNV)." Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 52 (2019) | Download |
Shikari® (Q-CAN) Canakinumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Canakinumab (Ilaris®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Canakinumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATCAN) Anti-Canakinumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Canakinumab (Ilaris®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Canakinumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATCAN) Anti-Canakinumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Canakinumab (Ilaris®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of canakinumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-CERT) Certolizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Certolizumab (Cimzia®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of certolizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATCER) Anti-Certolizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Certolizumab (Cimzia®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to Certolizumab in serum and plasma samples
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Certolizumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Certolizumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to certolizumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to certolizumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-CET) Cetuximab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Cetuximab (Erbitux®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Cetuximab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATC) Anti-Cetuximab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Cetuximab (Erbitux®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to cetuximab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (S-ATC) Anti-Cetuximab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Cetuximab (Erbitux®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of Cetuximab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Peña-Cabia, Silvia, et al. "Assessment of exposure-response relationship for cetuximab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer and head and neck cancer." Farmacia Hospitalaria 46.1 (2022): 21-26. | Download | |
Zhang, Jinhua, et al. "sRNA-based screening chromosomal gene targets and modular designing Escherichia coli for high-titer production of aglycosylated immunoglobulin G." ACS Synthetic Biology 9.6 (2020): 1385-1394. | Download | |
Zhang, Jinhua, et al. "Synthetic sRNA‐based engineering of Escherichia coli for enhanced production of full‐length immunoglobulin G." Biotechnology Journal 15.5 (2020): 1900363. | Download |
Shikari® (Q-DAR) Daratumumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Daratumumab (Darzalex®) in serum and plasma.This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Daratumumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATDAR) Anti-Daratumumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Daratumumab (Darzalex®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Daratumumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-DEN) Denosumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of denosumab (Prolia®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of denosumabin serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATD) Anti-Denosumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to denosumab (Prolia®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to denosumab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (S-ATD) Anti-Denosumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to denosumab (Prolia®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of denosumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Nanoparticle and Macromolecular Transfer across the Human Placental Barrier | Download | |
Rahman, Mohammed Tanjimur, et al. "Nanoparticle-mediated synergistic drug combination for treating bone metastasis." Journal of Controlled Release 357 (2023): 498-510. | Download |
Shikari® (Q-DUR) Durvalumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Durvalumab (Imfinzi®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Durvalumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATDUR) Anti-Durvalumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Durvalumab (Imfinzi®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Durvalumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-ECU) Eculizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Eculizumab (Soliris®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of eculizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATEC) Anti-Eculizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Eculizumab (Soliris®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies to eculizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATEC) Anti-Eculizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of antibodies to Eculizumab (Soliris®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of antibodies to eculizumab in serum and plasma samples.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Eculizumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Eculizumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to eculizumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to eculizumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-ETA) Etanercept ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of free Etanercept (Enbrel®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of etanercept in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATE) Anti-Etanercept ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of antibodies to etanercept in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative antibodies to etanercept in serum and plasma samples
Publications with this drug
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Iwasaki, Takeshi, et al. "Dynamics of type I and type II interferon signature determines responsiveness to anti-TNF therapy in rheumatoid arthritis." Frontiers in immunology 13 (2022): 901437. | Download | |
Lombardi, Stefania, et al. "Biologic therapies in rheumatic diseases: drug and anti-drug antibody levels and clinical efficacy." (2017). | Download |
Shikari® (Q-EVO) Evolocumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Evolocumab (Repatha®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of evolocumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATEVO) Anti-Evolocumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to evolocumab (Repatha®)in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to evolocumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-AFA) Anti-Filgrastim ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to o Filgrastim (Fraven®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to Filgrastim in serum and plasma samples
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-GOL) Golimumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Golimumab (Simponi®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of golimumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATG) Anti-Golimumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of specific antibodies to Golimumab (Simponi®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of golimumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATG) Anti-Golimumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Golimumab (Simponi®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of golimumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Tawa, Hideki, et al. "Therapeutic drug monitoring of golimumab for the prediction of long-term clinical remission in patients with ulcerative colitis." Digestion 103.5 (2022): 329-338. | Download |
Shikari® (Q-GUS) Guselkumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Guselkumab (Tremfya®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Guselkumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATGUS) Anti- Guselkumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Guselkumab (Tremfya®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antiibodies to Guselkumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-INFLIXI) Infliximab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Infliximab (Remicade®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of infliximab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (Q-ATI) Anti-Infliximab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Infliximab (Remicade®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to infliximab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (Q-ATI) Anti-Infliximab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of antibodies to Infliximab (Remicade®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative antibodies to infliximab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (Q-ATI TOTAL) Anti-Infliximab ELISA (Free/Total Ab)
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the semi-quantitative determination (screening) of total and free antibodies to infliximab in serum and plasma. SHIKARI® Semi-Quantitative Free/Total Antibodies to Infliximab ELISA is a sandwich assay for the determination of total and free antibodies against infliximab in serum and plasma samples. During the first incubation period, the separation of infliximab specific antibody- infliximab immune complex is provided by adding dissociation buffer. After transferring dissociation mix to the plate, infliximab antibodies are separated from infliximab in patient serum/plasma samples and they are captured by the drug infliximab coated on the wall of the microtiter wells and horse radish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated probe. After washing away the unbound components from samples, the bound enzymatic activity is detected by addition of tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) chromogen substrate. Finally, the reaction is terminated with an acidic stop solution. The intensity of the reaction colour is directly proportional to the concentration of infliximab antibodies in sample. This kit can be also used as a semi-quantitative test for free anti-drug antibodies determination without dissociation and neutralization steps.
Shikari® (QS-INFLIXI) Infliximab ELISA (mAb-based)
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the specific and quantitative determination of free Infliximab (Remicade®, Remsima®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the specific and quantitative determination of free Infliximab (Remicade®, Remsima®) in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Infliximab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Infliximab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to infliximab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to infliximab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
# | File | Action |
Liu, Zheng, et al. "Timing of live attenuated vaccination in infants exposed to infliximab or adalimumab in utero: a prospective cohort study in 107 children." Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 16.12 (2022): 1835-1844. | Download | |
Kita, Toshihiro, et al. "Adrenomedullin for biologic‐resistant Crohn's disease: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled phase 2a clinical trial." Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 37.11 (2022): 2051-2059. | Download | |
Iwasaki, Takeshi, et al. "Dynamics of type I and type II interferon signature determines responsiveness to anti-TNF therapy in rheumatoid arthritis." Frontiers in immunology 13 (2022): 901437. | Download |
Shikari® (Q-REMS) Infliximab biosimilar ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of free Infliximab-biosimilar (Remsima®) in serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of infliximab-biosimilar (Remsima®) in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-AIR) Anti-Infliximab biosimilar ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of antibodies to infliximab-biosimilar (Remsima®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative antibodies to infliximab-biosimilar (Remsima®) in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (S-AIR TOTAL) Anti-Infliximab biosimilar ELISA (Free/Total Ab)
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the semi-quantitative determination (screening) of total antibodies to infliximab biosimilar (Remsima®) in serum and plasma SHIKARI® Semi-Quantitative Free/Total Antibodies to Infliximab Biosimilar ELISA is a sandwich assay for the determination of total and free antibodies against infliximab in serum and plasma samples. During the first incubation period, the separation of infliximab specific antibody-infliximab immune complex is provided by adding dissociation buffer. After transferring dissociation mix to the plate, infliximab antibodies are separated from infliximab in patient serum/plasma samples and they are captured by the drug infliximab coated on the wall of the microtiter wells and horse radish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated probe. After washing away the unbound components from samples, the bound enzymatic activity is detected by addition of tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) chromogen substrate. Finally, the reaction is terminated with an acidic stop solution. The intensity of the reaction colour is directly proportional to the concentration of infliximab antibodies in sample. This kit can be also used as a semi-quantitative test for free anti-drug antibodies determination without dissociation and neutralization steps.
Shikari® (S-AIR) Anti-Infliximab biosimilar ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Infliximab-biosimilar (Remsima®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. SHIKARI® Quantitative Antibodies to Infliximab Biosimilar ELISA has been especially developed for the quantitative analysis of antibodies to infliximab biosimilar in serum and plasma samples. This kit is optimized with Remsima®.
Publications with this drug
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Pękala, Anna, and Rafał Filip. "Levels of Biosimilar Infliximab during and after Induction Treatment in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis—A Prospective Polish Population Study." Journal of Clinical Medicine 10.22 (2021): 5311. | Download | |
Pękala, Anna, Rafał Filip, and David Aebisher. "Anti-drug antibodies in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases treated with biosimilar infliximab: A prospective cohort study." Journal of Clinical Medicine 10.12 (2021): 2653. | Download | |
Saleh, H. H., Khadim , D. J., & Hussein, R. J. (2024). Correlation between Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Infliximab Serum Trough Levels and other Biomarkers in Iraqi Patients with Crohn’s Disease. Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences | Download |
Shikari® (Q-IPI) Ipilimumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of specific Ipilimumab(Yervoy®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of ipilimumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATI) Anti-Ipilimumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of specific antibodies to Ipilimumab(Yervoy®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of ipilimumab in serum and plasma.
Shikari® (S-ATI) Anti-Ipilimumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Ipilimumab(Yervoy®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of ipilimumab in serum and plasma.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-IXE) Ixekizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of IXEKIZUMAB (Taltz®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of IXEKIZUMAB in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATIXE) Anti-Ixekizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Ixekizumab (Taltz ®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of Ixekizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-NAT) Natalizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Natalizumab (Tysabri®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of natalizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATNAT) Anti-Natalizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination (screening) of antibodies to Natalizumab (TYSABRI®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies to natalizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATNAT) Anti-Natalizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Natalizumab (Tysabri®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of natalizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-NIVO) Nivolumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of free Nivolumab (Opdivo®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Nivolumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATN) Anti-Nivolumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination (screening) of antibodies to Nivolumab (Opdivo®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies to nivolumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATN) Anti-Nivolumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination (screening) of antibodies to Nivolumab (Opdivo®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies nivolumab in serum and plasma samples.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Nivolumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Nivolumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to nivolumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to nivolumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Sureda, Manuel, et al. "Therapeutic drug monitoring of nivolumab in routine clinical practice. A pilot study." Farmacia Hospitalaria 44.3 (2020): 81-86. | Download | |
Nieto, Juan C., et al. "Posttransplant cyclophosphamide after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation mitigates the immune activation induced by previous nivolumab therapy." Leukemia 34.12 (2020): 3420-3425. | Download | |
Abe, Kazuki, et al. "Quantitative LC-MS/MS method for nivolumab in human serum using IgG purification and immobilized tryptic digestion." Analytical Methods 12.1 (2020): 54-62. | Download |
Shikari® (S-ATOCR) Anti-Ocrelizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to of Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to Ocrelizumab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (Q-OCR) Ocrelizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Ocrelizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-OMA) Omalizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of omalizumab (Xolair®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of omalizumabin serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATO) Anti-Omalizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to omalizumab (Xolair®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of omalizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATO) Anti-Omalizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of specific antibodies to omalizumab (Xolair®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of omalizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Rademaker, Bernardus, et al. "Formulations of biological polymers for oral administration." U.S. Patent No. 11,793,758. 24 Oct. 2023. | Download |
Shikari® (Q-PAL) Palivizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Palivizumab (Synagis®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of infliximab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATPAL) Anti-Palivizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination (screening) of antibodies to Palivizumab (Synagis®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies to palivizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATPAL) Anti-Palivizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Palivizumab (Synagis®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to palivizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-PEM) Pembrolizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of free Pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of pembrolizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATP) Anti-Pembrolizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination (screening) of antibodies to Pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies to pembrolizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATP) Anti-Pembrolizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination (screening) of antibodies to Pembrolizumab (Keytruda®) in serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of antibodies to pembrolizumab in serum and plasma samples.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Pembrolizumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Pembrolizumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to pembrolizumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to pembrolizumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-PER) Pertuzumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Pertuzumab (Perjeta®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Pertuzumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATPER) Anti-Pertuzumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to of Pertuzumab (Perjeta®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Pertuzumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-RAM) Ramucirumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Ramucirumab (Cyramza®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Ramucirumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATRAM) Anti-Ramucirumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Ramucirumab (Cyramza®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Ramucirumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-RAN) Ranibizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Ranibizumab (Lucentis®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of ranibizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-RAV) Ravulizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Ravulizumab (Ultomiris®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Ravulizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATRAV) Anti-Ravulizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Ravulizumab (Ultomiris®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Ravulizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-RIS) Risankizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of free Risankizumab (Skyrizi®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of risankizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATRIS) Anti-Risankizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of antibodies to Risankizumab (Skyrizi®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of antibodies to Risankizumab in serum and plasma.
Shikari® (S-ATRIS) Anti-Risankizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Risankizumab (Skyrizi®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Risankizumab in serum and plasma.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-RITUX) Rituximab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Rituximab (Rituxan®, Mabthera®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of Rituximab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATR) Anti-Rituximab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to of Rituximab (Rituxan®, Mabthera®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to Rituximab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (S-ATR) Anti-Rituximab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to of Rituximab (Rituxan®, Mabthera®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Rituximab in serum and plasma samples.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Rituximab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Rituximab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to rituximab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to rituximab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Sinha, Aditi, et al. "Sequential rituximab therapy sustains remission of nephrotic syndrome but carries high risk of adverse effects." Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38.4 (2023): 939-949. | Download | |
Chen, Yewei, et al. "Population pharmacokinetics of rituximab in pediatric patients with frequent-relapsing or steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome." Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 (2021): 725665. | Download | |
Liu, Shu, et al. "Rituximab exposure‐response in triweekly R‐CHOP treatment in DLBCL: A loading dose is recommended to improve clinical outcomes." Clinical and Translational Science 15.3 (2022): 680-690. | Download |
Shikari® (Q-SEC) Secukinumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Secukinumab (COSENTYX® Verxant®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of secukinumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATSEC) Anti-Secukinumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to secukinumab (COSENTYX® Verxant®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Secukinumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-TOC) Tocilizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Tocilizumab (Actemra®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of tocilizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATOC) Anti-Tocilizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Tocilizumab (Actemra®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of tocilizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATOC) Anti-Tocilizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of Tocilizumab (Actemra®) in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of tocilizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-TRAS) Trastuzumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Trastuzumab (Herceptin®, Herclon®)in human serum and plasma This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of trastuzumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATT) Anti-Trastuzumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of antibodies to Trastuzumab (Herceptin®, Herclon®) in serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative antibodies to Trastuzumab in serum and plasma samples
Shikari® (S-ATT) Anti-Trastuzumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Trastuzumab (Herceptin®, Herclon®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Trastuzumab in serum and plasma samples.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Trastuzumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Trastuzumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to trastuzumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to trastuzumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Mocenigo, Marco, et al. "Rapid, cost-effective peptide/nucleic acid-based platform for therapeutic antibody monitoring in clinical samples." ACS sensors 5.10 (2020): 3109-3115. | Download | |
Padrón, Ivette Mourani, et al. "Anti-drug antibodies anti-trastuzumab in the treatment of breast cancer." Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 27.6 (2021): 1354-1356. | Download | |
González García, Jonathan, et al. "Pharmacokinetics of trastuzumab after subcutaneous and intravenous administration in obese patients." Annals of Pharmacotherapy 54.8 (2020): 775-779. | Download |
Shikari® (Q-UST) Ustekinumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Ustekinumab (Stelara®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of ustekinumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATU) Anti-Ustekinumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of specific antibodies to Ustekinumab (Stelara®) in human serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of ustekinumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATU) Anti-Ustekinumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Ustekinumab (Stelara®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of ustekinumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (QS-UST) Ustekinumab ELISA (mAb-based)
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the specific and quantitative determination of free Ustekinumab (Stelara®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the specific and quantitative determination of free ustekinumab (Stelara®) in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay™-Ustekinumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Ustekinumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to ustekinumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to ustekinumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Shikari® (Q-VEDO) Vedolizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Vedolizumab (Entyvio®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of vedolizumab in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
Shikari® (S-ATV) Anti-Vedolizumab ELISA
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the qualitative determination of specific antibodies to Vedolizumab (Entyvio®) in human serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the qualitative determination of vedolizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (S-ATV) Anti-Vedolizumab ELISA w/confirmation
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of specific antibodies to Vedolizumab (Entyvio®) in human serum and plasma with confirmation. This kit has been especially developed for the quantitative determination of vedolizumab in serum and plasma samples.
Shikari® (QS-VEDO) Vedolizumab ELISA (mAb-based)
Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the specific and quantitative determination of free Vedolizumab (Entyvio®) in serum and plasma. This kit has been especially developed for the specific and quantitative determination of free vedolizumab (Entyvio®) in serum and plasma samples between the Cmin and Cmax range of concentrations.
SHIKARI® T-CAP Nab Assay ™-Vedolizumab ELISA Kit
Description: Target Capture Neutralizing Antibodies Immunoassay-Vedolizumab Enzyme immunoassay to detect neutralizing antibodies to vedolizumab in serum and plasma samples This kit has been developed for detecting ‘Free’ neutralizing antibodies to vedolizumab. The kit is composed of 4 different controls, Positive control: It contains netralizing antibody Negative control Cut-Off control: Contains certain amounted neutralizing antibody. Corresponse to lower limit of detection (LLOD) Non-Neutralizing Antibody Negative Control: Contains non-neutralizing antibodies binding to the drug With these controls, the kit provides reliable results. The Cut Off serum contains the LLOD amount and provides accurate true positive or negative results. A non-neutralising antibody that binds to the drug without affecting the test results can be considered as a negative control. The kit was also checked with various negative serum samples, including RF(+), CRP(+), ANA(+) sera. All these negative sera did not interfere with the test system. Please refer to the validation report. We strictly recommend taking sample just before the next dose administration from the patient. All SHIKARI® ELISA kits are produced under ISO 13485 quality system and have CE IVD mark. For technical inquiry, please contact techsupport@matriksbiotek.com
Publications with this drug
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Cusato, Jessica, et al. "Therapeutic Drug Monitoring as a Tool for the Clinical Outcome Prediction in Vedolizumab-Treated Patients: An Italian Pilot Study." Biomedicines 12.4 (2024): 824. | Download |